Usually, I'm not learning anything high-falutin'. It's the simple things that make life aura of thanksgiving, the indescribable warmth of a faithful husbands'embrace, the rhythmic breath-sounds of a longed-for baby. God is good. Jesus is real. And my life is evidence of that--even on the tough days. As a follower of Jesus Christ, a wife and mother, and the wife of a pastor, I am honoured to share what God is doing in my life, to His glory.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lessons from a Toilet

We paid really good money for a new toilet, and it was installed yesterday.
It flushes like crap.
And that's been the description of my attitude about it too.  Whining.  Complaining.

Then this morning I found out my younger, sweet cousin is having an eyeball removed cuz of the cancer behind it.

All of a sudden the toilet is beautiful.
Lord, forgive me for my attitude.  I look around and have so many many many many blessings.  I'm not worthy of any of it.  I live among a culture of selfish me-ism.  And I help perpetuate that sometimes.  I'm sorry.  May I stop taking it all for granted.  May I stop living for me.

Thank You for Your forgiveness, for Your blessings.  It's humbling to know that someone else's gut-wrenching pain is what it takes for me to learn a lesson.  But it's not something to wallow in.  I receive Your grace, with thanksgiving, and go forward.

What an amazing thing to be in relationship with the God of the universe!

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