Usually, I'm not learning anything high-falutin'. It's the simple things that make life aura of thanksgiving, the indescribable warmth of a faithful husbands'embrace, the rhythmic breath-sounds of a longed-for baby. God is good. Jesus is real. And my life is evidence of that--even on the tough days. As a follower of Jesus Christ, a wife and mother, and the wife of a pastor, I am honoured to share what God is doing in my life, to His glory.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Anti-bullying campaigns are useless...unless...

I'm tired of hearing about anti-bullying.
My 7-year-old came home the other day with his artwork about it. The words "no" and "stop" were key themes. I'm annoyed by the negative spin our kids are fed.

Where's the positive stuff? Where's the proactive teaching, rather than anti lessons. When have you last heard a conversation stressing pro-kind, pro-loving, pro-thoughtful, pro-helpful, pro-honest, pro-generous?

The bullies are getting all the attention. Why not spend our time and resources building up these hurting, lonely, neglected kids, instead of teaching others how to stay away from them? Their actions aren't the problem. It's the fighting, divorcing, money-hungry, I-wanna-buy-cigarettes-before-milk adults that need a lesson.

It's the media and some educators and parents that, without considering the ramifications, stuff evolutionism down kids' throats. "You're an accident, kid. Your existence is meaningless. And that body you're trying to understand? Well, it's just a cosmic gob of goo. Nothing special about you in the universe. You live. You die. Nobody cares. But go out and be nice to people because everyone deserves to be treated with respect."

If you're a nobody, you don't need respect. Might as well go out and tease others so you somehow feel better about yourself. And if you're the one getting teased? It's devastating how often a mind comes up with inconceivable ways to cope with the hurt.

But now, if there is a loving Creator that designed your amazing body...
If there is Someone Who knew His universe wouldn't be complete without your unique presence...
If you are so important to Him, that He knows all the days He's got planned for you, and wants to spend an eternity with you after your body releases it's last breath...

Now you have the tools to go out and treat people the way you want to be treated. The way you were designed to be treated. Treat others with kindness, thoughtfulness, honesty and generosity. And we'll teach your parents and authorities to do the same, cuz He loves them too. And if you're the one being bothered, you can stand against it, cuz you know the truth. The One who created you and loves you, was beaten and spit on and mocked and teased. And He was nailed to a Roman cross--vulgar and unfathomably painful. He did that so you wouldn't have to die. So you would know how much He loves you.

So much for needing an anti-bullying campaign.


Marlene Brouwer said...

Great thoughts! It's always too easy to see the negative instead of focusing on the positive. Thanks for another reminder.

Marilyn Carlaw said...

Laura wrote: "I agree 100% Marilyn. Love all your blogs. You are so intelligent and what you have to say matters so much and you know exactly how to get the point across :)"

Marilyn Carlaw said...

Christine wrote: "so good!"