Did you hear the news today? The Crystal Cathedral has been sold. The "Hour of Power" will no longer exist. It's an interesting read. Try the online New York Times--or google Crystal Cathedral and there are numerous articles. Sr. Dr. Schuller has resigned from the C.C. board. Yesterday was the congregation's last Sunday in the building! A while back they filed for bankruptcy, and sold the campus to the Roman Catholic Diocese so they could stay out of bankruptcy and pay off their creditors. Wow…interesting story. And sad. But to sink all of God's money in luxurious building projects.
Not the greatest strategy for trying to increase income…
Anyway, it's a sad sort of story. A strange end to one of my childhood "roots", like watching Michael Landon or Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston die. Except on this one God's name kinda gets dragged through the mud.
May God keep us from making similar mistakes in our little local congregation.
you know it is sad to see, but on the other hand, sometimes we get so caught up in appearances,that we are bound to fall.
I agree Margaret. When we stop looking at Jesus and get caught up in society's values, falling is inevitable. Thanks for your thoughts.
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