Sometimes it's a little difficult to scratch through the facade of the problem and call out what's really going on.
Dr. Phil had a 25-year-old guy on the show yesterday who got his kicks wearing diapers and being fed, changed and coddled like an 18-month old. They diagnosed it as, "probably a fetish". I saw it for what it really was. Pride.
The guy was selfish and wanted attention. My way is best. I'm entitled to what I want. Pride.
Pride oozed outta my heart yesterday too. I waved my hand at my bothersome kids, shushing them. I'm a stay-at-home mom and I deserve a little me-time. But when you get right at the core? I put me before them. Pride.
Goodness, when you think about it, this Facebook thing is a huge proponent of me-ism. "Nanny nanny boo boo, I have more friends than yoooou do." Oh sure, sometimes it's the simple joy of connecting with people who care, but most of the time we're simply hoping someone will pay attention to us. Yay? Nay?
It can be more difficult to deal with this issue when we smother it in palatable sauces. What amazes me is when folks wear it on their sleeve, and don't even notice.
Listen to someone who never admits when they might be wrong. Bend an ear to an unteachable know-it-all and the stench of pride permeates every molecule around 'em. It astounds me that they can't see how egotistical and proud they are. And they just make themselves look stupid.
But the scary part? No matter the wrapping it comes in, pride keeps us from a relationship with God. It's the very characteristic that Lucifer threw in God's face before the unimaginably beautiful angel was sent reeling to the Hell his pride demanded God create. The same hell we're destined for if we cling to Me.
The antidote? Surrender. To the One who has ever been the only One to demonstrate the polar opposite of pride. Humility. Giving everything up for us piddly little people. The antidote? Admitting our rebellion, and releasing our pride to Jesus.
That's the single biggest challenge we will ever face. Ever. Ever.
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