Usually, I'm not learning anything high-falutin'. It's the simple things that make life aura of thanksgiving, the indescribable warmth of a faithful husbands'embrace, the rhythmic breath-sounds of a longed-for baby. God is good. Jesus is real. And my life is evidence of that--even on the tough days. As a follower of Jesus Christ, a wife and mother, and the wife of a pastor, I am honoured to share what God is doing in my life, to His glory.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Counted My Steps

Okay, I counted my steps to the ocean from the door of our little seaside cabin.  
50 to the edge where I climb down the big rocks.  A few pitter pattering safely down the big rocks (3 feet high wall) then 5 to the water in high tide, 11 to where the tide is out to now.  Another 20 to the edge of the dock.  The dock is 98 long!  
Yes, I know how to count!  And I saw a jellyfish swimming under the dock.  Oh, and a seal three times this afternoon!  I look towards the sunset and see a wall of cloud drifting in…looks like an atomic bomb cloud.  Eerie.  But all blue sky at the moment (until the horizon cloud).
And the beach is full of little baby snails cuz the tides' out.
That was yesterday.  
This morning I posted about the calm water.  Since a couple hours ago the tide has further receded and the tidal pools are amazing!  Bright orange sea anenomies (how do you spell that?) and eels and crabs fighting over the fish in the ziplock container filled with fish guts.  Now that would make a good Ziplock commercial...not even a crab can get it open!  Otter on the dock, Canadian geese lounging, cranes watching from a distance.  
Babe asleep in his playpen, hubby sunning himself on the glass-wrapped deck, four-year old rifling through fridge and just brought me a pack of bacon, asking, "Mom, I want a bacon sandwich."
Gotta go cook :)
After I scrub some more tar off my hand.  Those dock posts are not meant to be reached out to when you wibble wobble precariously on the dock.
See ya.

1 comment:

Leanne said...

You really need to post some pictures!!! Sounds amazing!