Usually, I'm not learning anything high-falutin'. It's the simple things that make life aura of thanksgiving, the indescribable warmth of a faithful husbands'embrace, the rhythmic breath-sounds of a longed-for baby. God is good. Jesus is real. And my life is evidence of that--even on the tough days. As a follower of Jesus Christ, a wife and mother, and the wife of a pastor, I am honoured to share what God is doing in my life, to His glory.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

God Likes Pizza

Dan had an appointment in the city for getting his motorbike worked on, and we hadn't budgeted for it.  I'll need to use some of the debt repayment money in his next paycheck to pay that off.  And because I just finished working out our "pie chart", I'll now be saving for bigger ticket things I hadn't before, that come once a year (or so); property tax, heat (pellets), house insurance, savings, gas for motorbike, vehicle repairs, tires and bike insurances.  

My goal for today was to have our flexible expense budget set up, complete with jars to stick the cash in.  It's done, and now I have a very clear picture of where our money will be going.  

But, to begin the jars, I needed to pay off this motorbike repair with debt-reduction money.  Bummer.

So as I sat here this afternoon, and again, felt a little spirit of defeat knocking, I determined again in my heart to refuse to delve into line of credit (increasing debt), to give us some breathing space--false breathing space.

Two things happened, yesterday and today.  Neighbour 'A' dropped by to pay me for mowing her lawn a couple weeks ago.  That paid for our babysitter for a church meeting last night.  A friend phoned today, asking if we needed anything from Costco.  We've been out of Nutella for a few weeks (a staple in our home) and I have just enough cash in my wallet to pay for that.  I'm making pizza for supper with the neighbours tonight, and I wanted a special kind, but would have had to buy ingredients.  So instead I checked my fridge and pantry.  Pizza sauce, mushrooms, bacon and red pepper with mozza cheese.  All in stock.  Not too shabby a pizza!  :)

And to top it off,  the boys and I were wandering around outside, and neighbour 'B' drove up and asked me to mow their lawn too.  Cash.  Up front.
It'll buy milk and bread for the next few days.

The moral of the story?  Sometimes things don't go as planned, and things don't get fixed as soon as we'd like them to be.
But God is faithful.  He is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.  And He's promised to meet our needs.

What a rich journey I'm on.  Sure, I'd like more money in the bank, and debt gone, but I'll tell ya, when I see the Hand of God moving in our lives--I mean really, personally moving, I wouldn't trade that for a million bucks!

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