Usually, I'm not learning anything high-falutin'. It's the simple things that make life aura of thanksgiving, the indescribable warmth of a faithful husbands'embrace, the rhythmic breath-sounds of a longed-for baby. God is good. Jesus is real. And my life is evidence of that--even on the tough days. As a follower of Jesus Christ, a wife and mother, and the wife of a pastor, I am honoured to share what God is doing in my life, to His glory.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Plan.

I'm sick of hearing about weight-loss plans.  They've been designed by and for, someone else.  Usually they require dishing out money.  I know they work...sometimes.  I lost 33 on one of them.  But a baby and long, indoor-germ-phobia-winter later, I'm back up.

And I see people around me getting thinner, whilst I had no gumption to do anything about my own belly-full-a-blubber.

Until a couple days ago.

This baby is the final one.  We now have one tiny girl in Heaven, and three healthy, active boys playing outside in mud puddles.  Until this last babe, my figure stayed the same...proportionate-wise.  Sure, I was bigger, but everything grew at pretty much the same rate.  But with the arrival of baby Gray, the middle third of my body went blooop.  

So I've had a couple good, heartfelt, inspiring and challenging chats with a couple friends.  And I got new $90 Nike runners for $8 (that's another blog! :)  And I went for a walk a few days ago...a nice long walk all by myself.  This is what I came up with:

I am now on my own 3W-5P Plan.  It was 4P at the time, but a conversation with my mom enlightened me on the final point.

Water.  I'm gonna drink my water, and like it!
Walk.  Wherever, whenever, with whomever.    No set speed or distance.  Just get out and walk.
Watch.  Watch what I put in my mouth.

And under the Watch, are the 5 'P's.
Purpose.  What's the purpose of the food I'm about to ingest?  Will it feed my body?  Is it a last-minute or           
boredom craving?  What's the purpose?
Public.  I'm a closet eater.  When he goes out of the room, I stuff two more banana chocolate chip muffins in my trap.  So if I stand in front of family and friends who love me, would I eat this?
Pride.  Will I be proud of my decision after I eat this thing?  No?  Put 'er down.
Pleasure.  I'm will find pleasure in skiing next winter, and buying snow pants in a regular size.  I will find pleasure buying a new bathing suit, without a skirt maybe!  I will find pleasure shopping in any clothing store I choose, rather than be relegated to only two or three choices.  Will this food bring me closer to those delights, or make it longer till I reach those goals?
And my Momma's treasured influence?  Prayer.  To Someone who cares.  To my Friend who sees every choice I make, and Who created this body I've let go blobby.  When I need some encouragement and help, I'm gonna have a chat with Him.

That's my plan.  No spiffy title.  No specific cutting-out-this-food thing.  Tailor made by me.  For me.  And in three days, I feel happier about my eating decisions, and I'm down a pound-and-a-bit!


Marilyn Carlaw said...

Jenn wrote: "It has inspired me to do the same :) Thanks"

Marilyn Carlaw said...

Joanne wrote: "I read it, GOOD FOR YOU I wish you well :) !!!!"

Marilyn Carlaw said...

Laura wrote: "Once I have this baby I plan on starting my own similar and free plan that is made for me and costs no more then my effort and time too :) maybe we can start some afternoon mom and tots walks"